Advanced personalised care practitioner training

Gain group clinic skills that support you to manage your case load through group care, working alongside an experienced personalised care practitioner who has been supporting patients in group clinics for many years.

Event Description

Join our 2-hour advanced training programme designed to  deepen your understanding of how to consult and undertake clinical work in a group clinic.  

This module is part of a three-module learning programme, which includes live simulation training, basic group clinic training and this advanced skills group clinic training module, which is specific to your delivery role as a personalised care practitioner.

During this advanced personalised care practitioner training module you:

  • Understand your personal communication style and how it impacts on your approach to working with the group (positive and challenges) 
  • Explore how to engage those with different communication styles in a group clinic
  • Understand the differences between group care delivered face to face (F2F) group and remotely on a video platform 
  • Rehearse 10 common group clinic personalised care scenarios 
  • Feel confident about undertaking personalised care interventions in a group clinics
  • Understand how to work with your facilitator to support person centred facilitation of group clinics
  • Spend time with and get answers to your questions from an expert peer

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